Pointer- Navigation
While working on Onboarding, it became clear which features to highlight on the main navigation. The features of the app that would be most accessible to the user were Home, Tricks, Explore, Profile.
Home - This screen seemed like an obvious choice for the main navigation as users were already used to most apps highlighting the home screen. According to similar apps like Yelp, favorited venues, personalized suggestions, and updates from local businesses would be helpful to the user. As a frequently visited screen with prime placement on mobile, home needed to feel inspiring, useful, and compellingly personalized.
Tricks - Tricks was a unique feature of Pointer that rewarded engagement through education. Since it was a new concept for users, they were walked through a number of value props the first time they clicked on the icon. FAQs were prominently featured so that dog owners could refer to it as needed.
Explore - As a new app, it would not be obvious to users what they could find on Pointer. Using data collected from onboarding, this page would suggest activities that they would tend to enjoy.
Profile - Another commonly featured page that users often encountered. This is a place where dog owners could find frequently visited links as well as messages that they needed to check often. The long list of links was a challenge to design in an attractive way, and started to look more appealing in later iterations.
In high fidelity, adding plenty of white space, images and icons, improved usability. These important screens helped to set the tone for the rest of the app.